USA Support & Services

Customer Support

You are our most valuable asset and we don’t exist without you. Our support team is here to provide the answers and address your concerns. Contact us any time or create a support ticket so we can respond quickly.


When you’re building your own aircraft, you need the specific knowledge to get answers quickly and know you’re getting it right. Register on our Builders Log page to get access to others who are building and get answers to clarify any step or part.

Builder Assist Program

There’s no substitute for expertise. Using our Builder Assist program assures your aircraft is built to factory quality standards, but still has you as the builder of record. You’ll work along side one of our A&P technicians as you do a rapid-build of your aircraft right here at our facility.

Maintenance Services

Not comfortable maintaining your aircraft or don’t have the time? Schedule our A&P and AI services to help maintain your Experimental aircraft or one you’ve purchased. We want to keep your helicopter safely flying.